
We always carry a stock of clean Holmes/Bates hand-held stereoviewers. These are with no parts missing and lenses are undamaged. Prices INCLUDING postage are:

Aluminium/wood: $75.   Order #SV1
All wood:             $85.   Order#SV2

The viewers illustrated have not been restored or polished and cleaned. I can't knock a nail in straight and my restorer is expensive - I can use him on antique tallcase clocks but stereoviewers seem beneath him so he charges the earth. He once took a chisel to a friend of mine who told him that 'restorers are a dime a dozen' and threatened to kill him. On another occasion he asked my daughter-in-law to feel his forehead as the devil was in there. I know some funny people! but this ramble is to explain why these viewers may need a little work.


To order, note order # and price and click here