Naples, Pompeii (including museum exhibits), Herculaneum, Vesuvius, Sicily

Some of the early views are hard to grade and have the strange white spotting that seems to pervade early Italian views and those of photographers such as Braun and Tairrez. Also they do not scan very well and are generally much better than they appear on the screen. Most of the early views are by Giorgio Sommer (G.S.), Sommer and Behles  or Robert Rive. Rive's views are much rarer than those of Sommer but we are fortunate to have a good selection. Rive, much to the irritation of our Italian friends, was English.

Realistic Travels. 'From Messina over the once dreaded Straits between the Island of Sicily and adjacent shores of Italy'.
Condition 10.
Order #1221.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Panorama di Messina'.
Condition 7.
Order #1222.
Price $12.

Condition 8.
Order #1223.
Price $15.

G. Sommer. 'Panorama da S. Martino (Napoli)'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #1224.
Price $12.

Robert Rive's version from an identical viewpoint. 'Vedua da S. Martino (Napoli)'. Different shipping in harbor.
Condition 8.
Order #1225.
Price $12.

G. Sommer. Title unreadable but this looks like Bay of Naples.
Condition 5.
Order #1226.
Price $5.

G. Sommer. Clearer version.
Condition 8.
Order #1227.
Price $12.

'Italie. Panorama de Naples et le Vesuve'.
Condition. Long light scratch across left image.
Order #1228.
Price $6.

Underwood. Birdseye view of Naples and Vesuvius'. Descriptive text.
Condition 8.
Order #1229.
Price $10.

E. Tutte. Handwritten 'Vue de Naples, Italie'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #1230.
Price $18.

Thanks to Jeff who notes 'Those Italian views with "Photographie artistique a Naples" are all by Michele Amodio, as are those common yellow mount Naples and Pompeii views that read "Vues d'Italie" on the right. They includes these order numbers: 10771 1231 1249 1262 1265 9921 9929 9979 9981 11393 11395 11396 11382 through 11990'.

Title unclear.
Condition. 8 apart from the usual spotting.
Order #1231.
Price $10.

Condition. Prominent foxing marks.
Order #1232.
Price $6.

R. Rive. '??Posilipo'. Note on the back 'Naples in the distance and the Castle of S. Elmo on the far ??? hill'.
Condition 8.
Order #1233.
Price $15.

Sommer & Behles. 'Sorrento da Capodimonte'.
Condition 9.
Order #1234.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Castello Ischia'. North end of Gulf of Naples.
Condition. Light foxing.
Order #1235.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'S. Lucia'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #1236.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Strª del Molo v. St Elmo, Napoli'.
Condition. Very light marks in sky.
Order #1237.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Sorrento, da capa du monta, Napoli'.
Condition 8.
Order #1239.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Marina, Palermo'.  More Palermo views below.
Condition 8.
Order #1240.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Porto Mercantile, Naples'.
Condition 7.
Order #1241.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Arsenale e Vesuvio'.
Condition 8.
Order #1242.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Strada del ????, Napoli'.
Condition 8.
Order #1243.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Strada e fontana Medino, Napoli'.
Condition. Slight stain, top right corner.
Order #1244.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Title faded out. 'Toledo St, Naples' written on the back.
Condition 8/9.
Order #1245.
Price $15.

Condition 8/9.
Order #1246.
Price $12.

Early hand-tinted view bearing London Stereoscopic Company blindstamp. 'No 54. Route du Campo Santo, Naples'.
Condition around 7/8 for age.
Order #1247.
Price $18.

'Naples, place royal et chateau St. Elme'.
Condition 8.
Order #1249.
Price $12.

'Naples, jardin royal'.
Condition 9.
Order #1250.
Price $15.

Sommer & Behles. '?Riviera di ?Phuaja Constantine'. Thanks to Jeff who says this should be No 703. Riviera di Chiaja (Napoli).
Condition 8/9.
Order #1251.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer 'No 272. Stra. del Molo v St Elmo, Napoli'.
Condition 9.
Order #1252.
Price $15.

Sommer & Behles. Title unreadable. Thanks to Jeff who says this is No 711. Museo Nazionale (instantaneo).
Condition 8 (some slight losses at the back of the mount).
Order #1253.
Price $10.

Giorgio Sommer 'Palazzo reale, Napoli'.
Condition. Slight overall marks. Very clear.
Order #1254.
Price $12.

Robert Rive's version of the same view.
Condition 9.
Order #1255.
Price $15.

Roberet Rive. 'Front of Royal Palace and Bourbon statues, Naples'.
Condition 8.
Order #1256.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer 'Orlo botanico, Palermo'.
Condition 8.
Order #1257.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer 'Atrio di S. Martino, Napoli'. With monks.
Condition 8/9.
Order #1258.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer 'Largo palazzo e S. Elmo, Napoli'.
Condition 9.
Order #1259.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. Thanks to Jeff who has clarified this unclear title as 'No 715. Entrata di Toledo istantaneo (Napoli)'.
Condition 8.
Order #1260.
Price $15.

Fine Art Photographers' Publishing Co. 'Grandoni di Chraja, Naples'. Short description.
Condition 8.
Order #1261.
Price $15.

'Naples, Cloitre S. Martin'.
Condition 8.
Order #1262.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer 'Atrio di S. Martin, Napoli'. Nuns on this one.
Condition 8.
Order #1263.
Price $15.

'Cloister, Ste Martin'. Priests on this one.
Condition 9.
Order #1264.
Price $12.

'Naples, Cloitre S. Martin'.
Condition 8.
Order #1265.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Church of St Martin, Naples'.
Condition 8.
Order #1266.
Price $15.

'862. Interieur de la remarquable Eglise de la Chartreuse, Saint-Martino (Naples)'.
Condition 9.
Order #1267.
Price $12.

'Naples. Eglise S. Martin'.
Condition 9 (very slight ink mark edge of left image).
Order #1268.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Interno di San Severo (Napoli)'.
Condition 8.
Order #1269.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Teatro S. Carlo'. Thanks Jeff for identifying the unclear title.
Condition 8.
Order #1270.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer 'Porta di Alfonso d'Aragone, Napoli'.
Condition. Some small stains.
Order #1271.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Naples, Public Gardens'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #1272.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Napoli'.
Condition. Ons soft corner.
Order #1273.
Price $15.

Universal Photo Art Co. 'The goats' milk-maid, Naples'.
Condition  8.
Order #1275.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Chiesa St Gregorio, Messina'. This is N.E. Sicily.
Condition  8.
Order #1277.
Price $15.

Sommer. 'Largo Castello dal Castel nuovo'.
Condition  8.
Order #1278.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Anfiteatro'.
Condition. Split across right image. Doesn't affect viewing.
Order #9902.
Price $5.

Robert Rive. 'Anfiteatro di Capua'. This is 25 km north of Naples.
Condition 8.
Order #9903.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Anfiteatro di Capua (esterno)'.
Condition. One slight spot in sky on right image.
Order #9904.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Museo nazionale'.
Condition  7.
Order #9906.
Price $12.

Robert Rive. 'Palazzo reale  e ?eavalli di bronzo'. Note on back 'Bronze horses presented to the King of Naples by H.M. The Emperor of Russia'.
Condition  8/9.
Order #9907.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Sorrento'.
Condition  8.
Order #9908.
Price $12.

Underwood. 'Model, ruins of Pompeii, National Museum, Naples'.
Condition  8.
Order #9909.
Price $12.

Robert Rive. 'Mercurio riposante. Museo di Napoli'.
Condition. Much as produced.
Order #9913.
Price $8.

'Chapelle S. Severo (Le Christ)'.
Condition 8.
Order #9915.
Price $12.

R. Rive. 'Aristide. Museo di Napoli'.
Condition 9.
Order #9916.
Price $12.

R. Rive. 'Venere vineitrice'.
Condition. Couple of black processing marks.
Order #9917.
Price $8.

R. Rive. 'Nereide'.
Condition. Loss and crease to bottom of mount.
Order #9918.
Price $4.

R. Rive. Untitled.
Condition. Stain on right image.
Order #9919.
Price $4.

R. Rive 'Balbo padre'.
Condition 5 (moderately faded and grubby).
Order #9920.
Price $6.

'Naples, jardin royal, enlevement Troserpi'.
Condition 9.
Order #9921.
Price $12.

Sommer & Behles. 'Casa della gran fontana'.
Condition 9.
Order #9922.
Price $12.

Robert Rive's version. 'Fontana di Mosaico'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #9923.
Price $12.

Sommer. 'Piedigrotia'. This is in the Chiaia Quarter of Naples.
Condition 9.
Order #9924.
Price $12.

J. Andrieu, Paris. 'Sorente, prise de Capodimonte, pres Naples'.
Condition 4 (very grubby).
Order #9925.
Price $4.

Underwood 'Ruins of Herculaneum, Old Naples, Italy'.
Condition 8 (slightly milky).
Order #9926.
Price $10.

Italian photographers seem unique in producing stereoviews of engravings or drawings. I think I have grouped all these together.

'Descent of Vesuvius'. Stereoview of an illustration.
Condition. Fly poo on left image.
Order #9927.
Price $10.

'Mary going up Vesuvius'. Stereoview of an illustration.
Condition. Fortunately the fly has pooed on the edge of the mount.
Order #9928.
Price $10.

'Ascension du Vesuve'. Drawn figures ascending the mountain, including a lady being carried up on a chair.
Condition 9.
Order #9929.
Price $15.

'Distruzione della torre de Greco, 8 Decembre 1861'. Stereoview of an illustration.
Condition 6/7.
Order #9930.
Price $8.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Piedigrotta, Napoli'. Stereoview of an illustration.
Condition 7.
Order #9932.
Price $10.

'Interieur de la Grotte de Pozzuoli'. Stereoview of an illustration.
Condition 9.
Order #9933.
Price $10.

Giorgio Sommer 'No 751. Calessa di Resina, Napoli'. This seems to be a painting.
Condition 7.
Order #9935.
Price $10.

Sommer & Behles. 'Amfiteatro'.
Condition  8.
Order #9936.
Price $12.

Sommer & Behles. 'Amfiteatro'. The solitary person in the center adds Je ne sais quoi.
Condition  9.
Order #9937.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Porta Ercolana'.
Condition 9.
Order #9940.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Corridoji del teatro'.
Condition 8.
Order #9941.
Price $12.

Robert Rive. 'Casa del poeta tragico'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #9943.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Panorama'.
Condition 8.
Order #9944.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Muline'.
Condition. Loss of corner of mount. Some spotting.
Order #9945.
Price $5.

Realistic Travels. 'Stepping stones in Stabia St. and wheel ruts worn in the lava pavement many centuries ago. Pompeii'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #9947.
Price $12.

Underwood. 'The old wheel tracks, Street of Fortune, Pompeii'.
Condition 8.
Order #9948.
Price $10.

Excelsior. 'The old wheel tracks, Street of Fortune'.
Condition 9.
Order #9949.
Price $12.

Realistic Travels. 'Inner Court of the beautiful House of the Vettii, restored as in the days of its splendour, Pompeii'.
Condition 8.
Order #9950.
Price $12.

Keystone. 'Beautiful home of the Vettii (buried Aug. 24th, A.D. 79), Pompeii'. Descriptive text.
Condition 10.
Order #9951.
Price $12.

Robert Rive. 'Casa di Meleagre'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #9953.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Casa di Meleagre'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #9954.
Price $15.

Robert Rive. 'Casa dei principi Russi'.
Condition 8.
Order #9957.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Foro triangulolare'. This is the Hellenistic Gymnasium.
Condition. Light marks in sky.
Order #9958.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Foro civile'.
Condition 7.
Order #9959.
Price $8.

Robert Rive. 'Strada delle tombe'.
Condition. Slight marks at the top.
Order #9961.
Price $12.

Sommer and Behles. 'Tempio di Venere'.
Condition 8.
Order #9963.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Tempio di Venere'.
Condition 8.
Order #9964.
Price $15.

Sommer and Behles. 'Casa delle fontanelle (Pompeii)'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #9965.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Panorama del foro civile'.
Condition 8.
Order #9966.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Casa di Meleagro'.
Condition 8.
Order #9967.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Foro civile'.
Condition 8.
Order #9968.
Price $15.

Sommer & Behles. 'Panorama di Pompeii'.
Condition 8.
Order #9969.
Price $15.

Sommer & Behles. 'Strada di Mercurio'.
Condition. Some slight stains.
Order #9970.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Casa del Poela'.
Condition 8.
Order #9972.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Strada de tombe'.
Condition 8.
Order #9973.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Casa della Suonatrice'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #9974.
Price $12.

Underwood. 'The Inner Court, home of Marcus Lucrezio, buried 1800 years ago, Pompeii'.
Condition 9.
Order #9975.
Price $12.

Underwood. 'The Forum of Pompeii and Vesuvius (NW)'. Descriptive text. Couple of people on this version.
Condition 9/10.
Order #9976.
Price $12.

'Colonnade du Forum civile'.
Condition 8.
Order #9977.
Price $15.

'Pompeii. Fontaine abondance et rue abondance'.
Condition. Various creases not visible when viewing.
Order #9979.
Price $8.

'Pompeii,  Sanciania'. Dated 1866.
Condition 7/8.
Order #9981.
Price $12.

Sommer & Behles. 'Tempio di ??????'.
Condition. Very slight surface split at top of right image.
Order #9982.
Price $12.

'Villa de Diomede'.
Condition. Slight marks in sky.
Order #9983.
Price $18.

Title unclear but see previous view.
Condition. Some staining and splitting of image at extreme top.
Order #9984.
Price $8.

'Pompeii'. Collotype.
Condition 9/10.
Order #11381.
Price $4.

'Pompei. Dernieres fauilles'.
Condition 7.
Order #11382.
Price $12.

'Pompei. Maison Cornelis ????'.
Condition. Damage at top.
Order #11383.
Price $5.

'Pompei. Maison ????'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #11384.
Price $12.

'Pompei. Temple Mercurio'.
Condition. Stains at top.
Order #11385.
Price $6.

'Pompei. Maison ???? Lucretia'.
Condition 7.
Order #11386.
Price $12.

'Pompei. Panorama et vedure'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #11387.
Price $12.

'Pompei. Forum'.
Condition 7.
Order #11388.
Price $8.

'Pompei. Basilica'.
Condition. Foxing at top.
Order #11389.
Price $12.

'Pompei. Rue et fontaine abondance'.
Condition. Couple of foxing spots.
Order #11390.
Price $12.

'Pompeii: Veduta generale del Foro'. Early 20th century view on thin photographic paper by Rotary of London.
Condition 9.
Order #11391.
Price $2.

'Pompeii: Cortile nella casa dei Velii II'. Early 20th century view on thin photographic paper by Rotary of London.
Condition 8/9.
Order #11392.
Price $2.

'Pompei. Tombeau du Marin'.
Condition 8.
Order #11393.
Price $15.

'Sacrifice de ??higence, peinture, Pompeii'.
Condition 8.
Order #11395.
Price $15.

'Peinture de Pompeii'.
Condition 8.
Order #11396.
Price $18.

Underwood. 'Surgical instruments found in a physician's home, Pompeii'.
Condition 8.
Order #11397.
Price $15.

Sommer & Behles. 'Eurizone del Vesuvius ?? (Napoli)'. This is the eruption of 1861.
Condition 8.
Order #11399.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Eurizone del Vesuvius, 1861'. Note on the back states 'I was an eyewitness to this in 1861'.
Condition 8.
Order #11400.
Price $15.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Lage d'Vesuvio'. Thanks to Jeff for the following: 'The title is "Lago d'Agnano (Napoli)". This body of water is a curiosity! From the Wikipedia page on Lake Agnano: "Lago di Agnano or Lake Agnano was a circular lake, some 6½ km in circumference, which occupied the crater of the extinct volcano of Agnano 8 km west of Naples, Italy. It was apparently not formed until the Middle Ages, as it is not mentioned by ancient writers; it was drained in 1870."
Condition. Light marks.
Order #11401.
Price $12.

Keystone. 'On the road to Vesuvius (east)'.
Condition 10.
Order #11402.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer 'No 771. Vesuvio. Ferrovia funioolare'.
Condition 7 (slight damage to mount).
Order #11403.
Price $12.

Giorgio Sommer. 'Lava del Vesuvio'.
Condition 8.
Order #11404.
Price $12.

Realistic Travels. 'The egg or inner cone built up by Vesuvius ....... from brim of the outer crater'.
Condition. Some processing creases.
Order #11405.
Price $12.

Realistic Travels. 'Looking into the mouth of the yawning crater of Vesuvius, 800 feet down to the seething inner cone'.
Condition 9.
Order #11406.
Price $15.

Realistic Travels. 'Tourists playing with liquid rock which wells out upon the crust of lava in the crater of Vesuvius'.
Condition 9.
Order #11407.
Price $15.

Keystone. 'Looking into the awful crater of Vesuvius'.
Condition 10.
Order #11408.
Price $8.

'836. Lave et Cratere de l'ancien Vesuve (Naples)'.
Condition 8.
Order #11409.
Price $12.

Keystone. 'In the wilderness of lava, base of Vesuvius'. Descriptive text.
Condition 9.
Order #11410.
Price $12.

Realistic Travels. 'The egg or inner cone built up by Vesuvius'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #11411.
Price $8.

Realistic Travels. 'The mass of rope-like coils of sulphur ejected from the inner crater of the mighty Vesuvius'.
Condition 7.
Order #11412.
Price $8.

Realistic Travels. 'Crossing the lava field in the crater of Vesuvius, the guide assists tourists over the hugh fissures'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #11413.
Price $12.

Realistic Travels. 'Looking down into the lake of boiling lava and burning sulphur in crater of "Little Vesuvius"'.
Condition 10.
Order #11414.
Price $15.

Realistic Travels. 'Edge of a devouring lava-flow that submerged this valley under rock and ashes to a depth of 30 feet'.
Condition 9.
Order #11415.
Price $12.

'Roman amphitheatre of Augus(damage) with part of modern Syracuse beyond at S.E.'.
Condition. Slight damage to title.
Order #11416.
Price $12.

The rest by Underwood

'Street of stairs and houses of an old Roman town ruined centuries ago. Soluntum'.
Condition 9 except for white stain on mount.
Order #11417.
Price $15.

'Theatre on a lonely mountain, where Greek plays were given centuries ago, Segesta'.
Condition 8.
Order #11418.
Price $15.

'Majestic ruins of Greek temples to hercules and Apollo (from the south), Selinunte'.
Condition 8.
Order #11419.
Price $12.

'Among fallen pillars of one of the largest Greek temples known (Apollo, Selinunte)'.
Condition 8.
Order #11420.
Price $15.

'The Church of S. Giovanni (N), built 1182 above crypt where St Paul once preached, Syracuse'.
Condition 8.
Order #11421.
Price $12.

'Underground Chapel of St Marcian, SE, where St Paul preached to people of Syracuse'.
Condition 8.
Order #11422.
Price $12.

'Looking from Fort Euryalos E along ruined wall of Dionysos to the sea, Syracuse'.
Condition. Not sure if the yellowing is original. Certainly doesn't detract from viewing.
Order #11423.
Price $12.

'Looking SE from Euryales Fort to Syracuse and harbor where Athenians were defeated'.
Condition 8.
Order #11424.
Price $12.

'Picking lemons in a grove on the Conca d'Oro (Golden Shell), outside Palermo, Sicily'. Descriptive text.
Condition 9.
Order #11425.
Price $15.

'Goats milked while you wait - in a crowded market place in old Palermo, Sicily'.
Condition 9.
Order #11426.
Price $15.

'Palace chapel of the old Norman kings - magnificent with coloured mosaics, Palermo, Sicily'.
Condition 9.
Order #11427.
Price $12.

'Greek theatre of 5th century B.C., with modern Syracuse and harbour at southeast - Sicily'.
Condition 10.
Order #11428.
Price $15.

'Latomia de' Cappuccini S.S.W., where 7000 Athenians suffered in 414 B.C., Syracuse, Sicily'.
Condition 9.
Order #11430.
Price $15.

'Palermo, the beautiful N. from S. Maria di Gesu to Monte Pellegrino and the sea, Sicily'.
Condition 10.
Order #11433.
Price $12.

'Benadictine cloisters of seven centuries ago, world-famous for their beauty, Monreale, Sicily'.
Condition 9.
Order #11434.
Price $12.

'Picturesque mountain shore of Sicily, north from ancient Soluntum to Cape Zaffarano'.
Condition 10.
Order #11435.
Price $12.

To order, note order # and price and click here