Manchester Exhibition of 1857.
Views are rare. Taken by P.H. Delamotte. Generally fairly light with poor lighting. Please remember that 'Condition' relates to just that - Condition. It is not a comment on the abilities of the photogapher.
'View from the Organ Gallery'.
Condition 9.
Order #4101.
Price $25.
Crystal Palace
The Great Exhibition, the brainchild of Prince Albert, the Consort to Queen Victoria, was conceived during the 1840s and opened in Hyde Park on 1 May 1851. After a quiet beginning it proved to be a vast success in the six months that it ran and was, up to that time, the greatest peacetime movement of persons ever witnessed. Over six million people visited between May and October. On the last day, 11 October 1851, no fewer than 53,000 people visited the Exhibition.
It was housed in the beautiful Crystal Palace, an inspired design by Joseph Paxton, based on his building of the great glasshouses at Chatsworth.
After the Exhibition, there was great debate about what to do with the Crystal Palace. It could not stay in Hyde Park and was eventually, in 1854, rebuilt at Sydenham in south London. There the Exhibition was re-created anew.
Wild claims have been made regarding stereoviews of the Crystal Palace. Many are claimed to be of the Exhibition in Hyde Park when in fact, apart from some stereo dags, none are known to exist. All views therefore are of the Crystal Palace as reconstructed at Sydenham. An especially fine series was produced by T.R. Williams. Delamotte (De la Motte) also produced fine views. Exterior views usually illustrate the two distinctive towers (for water pressure for the fountains), which didn't even exist at the Hyde Park site. The Wikipedia entry is (for once) accurate and excellent. Click HERE for that.Sadly the Crystal Palace burned down on the night of 20 November 1936, marking the final end of the Victorian era. A friend of mine was a child at the time and lived eight miles away. From his bedroom he saw the glow of the fire and the whole family went to watch. He still has a large lump of fused glass from the Palace which he picked up some days later.
Crystal Palace Views
The Crystal Palace as re-erected in 1854/55 at Sydenham. The chronology of Crystal Palace views is complicated and an attempt was made by Treadwell et al. (Institute of Photographic Research, view list series #3, fifth edition, July 2000) to sort the various series. The late Geoff Gilbert carried out extensive research over many years but, sadly, his work was never published. We are fortunate, however, to have acquired many of his research notes which are invaluable in dating views. Negretti and Zambra were assigned exclusive rights in the early years but other photographers and varied series soon appeared. T.R. Williams is generally credited with the early Negretti series and, indeed, his 'TRW' blindstamp appears on some views. Yellow mount views are later and can generally be attributed to the 1860s or 1870s, whereas the white and grey mount views are from the 1850s.
Handwritten 'Crystal Palace Grounds'.
Condition 8.
Order #4106.
Price $18.
'North ???'.
Condition 8.
Order #4107.
Price $22.
Untitled late 1850s view.
Condition 8.
Order #4108.
Price $18.
Crystal Palace. '1. The Nave looking towards the north'.
Condition 9.
Order #4110.
Price $18.
'Crystal Palace. 8. The Byzantine Court'.
Condition. Although the images are complete, the width of the mount has been much reduced.
Order #4111.
Price $12.
'Crystal Palace. 67. General View of the Nave'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4112.
Price $18.
'Crystal Palace. 77. Tomb of Giuliano de Medici'.
Condition. Light images with light brown spotting.
Order #4113
Price $12.
'Interior of the Nave, looking north'.
Condition 6 (soiling and the odd mark).
Order #4114.
Price $10.
'South Nave, C.P.'.
Condition 7.
Order #4115.
Price $18.
'The Crystal Palace'.
Condition. Images light but clear.
Order #4116.
Price $15.
'Crystal Palace. The Tropical Department'.
Condition. Couple of small brown spots and black mark at top of right image.
Order #4117.
Price $18.
The next two are views with a yellow attached label. Date from around 1860.
'1. The Nave looking towards the north'.
Condition 8.
Order #4118.
Price $15.
'67. General view of the Nave'.
Condition 8.
Order #4119.
Price $18.
Tissue views do not normally have identity as to which expo they relate. Almost all are either Crystal Palace or the 1862.
Condition. This appears to have foxing but hasn't.
Order #4125.
Price $22.
Condition. Fine quality images totally unlike my camera's interpretation.
Order #4126.
Price $22.
Condition. This one the camera got right. The others are the same quality.
Order #4127.
Price $22.
Condition 9/10
Order #4129
Price $22.
Condition. Very slight crack at top of mount.
Order #4130.
Price $22.
The 1862 Brompton Road Exhibition
An entirely separate exhibition set was produced by the London Stereoscopic and Photographic Company for the 1862 exhibition; these were taken by their chief photographer, William England. This exhibition was held in a purpose-built building at South Kensington, known as the 'Brompton Boilers' because of its two large domes, and promptly demolished afterwards. I heard recently however that parts were re-erected some eight miles from London and still exist - and are used as a skating rink! The profits from this exhibition were ploughed into the Science Museum and the Natural History Museum, which are located in South Kensington on the same site. These views are usually in monochrome but, sometimes, are encountered with beautiful hand-tinting. There are around 450 views in this series.
View #2 was by far the most popular view. We are offering here a selection. All are from different negs. and feature different people.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8 but soiled on the back.
Order #4131.
Price $15.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition. Mount split thru center, not affecting images.
Order #4132.
Price $15.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8.
Order #4133.
Price $18.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 7.
Order #4134.
Price $15.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4135.
Price $18.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8.
Order #4136.
Price $18.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 9.
Order #4137.
Price $22.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8.
Order #4138.
Price $18.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4139.
Price $22.
'2. The Nave from the Western Dome'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4140.
Price $22.
'5. Sculpture. Roman Court'.
Condition. Slight bubble on mount in top right corner.
Order #4141.
Price $18.
'6. The Austrian Court, No 2'.
Condition. Bottom left of right image is missing.
Order #4142.
Price $10.
'12. Sculpture. Italian Court (1)'.
Condition 8.
Order #4145.
Price $18.
'13. Sculpture. Italian Court (2)'.
Condition. Couple of slight losses on mount.
Order #4146.
Price $18.
View #28 was, once again, a very popular view. We are offering here a selection. All are from different negs. and feature different people.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4150.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 8.
Order #4151.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4152.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4153.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition. One small black processing spot in center of right image.
Order #4154.
Price $18.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 8.
Order #4155.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'. Very delicate hand-tinting.
Condition. One long but light scratch.
Order #4156.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'. Bolder tinting.
Condition 9/10.
Order #4157.
Price $25.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 9/10.
Order #4158.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 9.
Order #4159
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 9.
Order #4160.
Price $22.
'28. The Nave from the Eastern Dome'.
Condition 9.
Order #4161.
Price $22.
'30. Prussian Court (2)'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4163.
Price $22.
'33. Tinted Venus and Pandora, by J. Gibson R.A. (2)'.
Condition 7.
Order #4164
Price $18.
'33. Tinted Venus and Pandora, by J. Gibson R.A. (2)'.
Condition 9/10.
Order #4165.
Price $22.
'43. La Sposa e l'Indovina. L. Guglielmi, Sculp.'.
Condition 9.
Order #4170.
Price $18.
'45. La Bagnante. Antonio Tartadini, Sculp.'.
Condition. White marks on left image wiped off. Images slightly lifting at bottom.
Order #4171.
Price $15.
'46. Calvary. P. Eroli, Sculp.'. Handwritten on back 'Carving in ivory, Roman Court'.
Condition 9.
Order #4172.
Price $22.
'48. Model of the Cathedral of Milan. Giacomo Mallarelli, Modeller'.
Condition 7.
Order #4173.
Price $12.
'50. Venus, by Canova, from original Statue'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #4174.
Price $15.
'52. The North West Transept'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4175.
Price $22.
'52. The North West Transept'. Variant.
Condition. Slight losses to corners of mount.
Order #4176.
Price $15.
'53. The Nave from the Western Dome (2)'. Ex collection Denis Pellerin.
Condition 8.
Order #4177.
Price $15.
'61. The Sleep of Sorrow the Dream of Joy, by R. Monti'.
Condition 8.
Order #4178.
Price $15.
View #68 was photographed from every conceivable angle and was heavily promoted. The reason for that is simple - London Stereoscopic bought the figure and therefore had no royalties to pay on the sales of this view.
'68. The Reading Girl, by Magni'.
Condition 9.
Order #4180.
Price $18.
'68. The Reading Girl, by P. Magni, Sculp.'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4181.
Price $15.
'68. A Girl Reading, by P. Magni, Sculp.'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4182.
Price $15.
'68. The Reading Girl, by P. Magni, Sculp.'.
Condition 9.
Order #4183.
Price $15.
'68. The Reading Girl, by P. Magni, Sculp.'.
Condition. Slight mark at center looks like processing fault.
Order #4184.
Price $15.
'69. State Ceremonials'.
Condition 7.
Order #4185.
Price $22.
'73. South East Picture Gallery (2)'.
Condition 9.
Order #4186.
Price $22.
'77. The Nymph and Cupid, by Theed'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4188.
Price $18.
'79. The Austrian Court, No 10'.
Condition 7.
Order #4189.
Price $12.
'88. Austrian Court (11)'.
Condition. One slight processing spot on right image.
Order #4194.
Price $18.
'95. Edward VI, Baron de Friqueti, Sculp.'.
Condition. Mount split thru center.
Order #4197.
Price $5.
'98. Nymph and Cupid, by Müller. Exhibited by Her Majesty'.
Condition 8/9.
Order #4198.
Price $18.
'101. The Sybil &c. (Roman Court).'.
Condition 9.
Order #4199.
Price $18.
'102. Daphne Bust, by Marshall Wood'.
Condition 8.
Order #4200.
Price $15.
'110. Vases &c, in Dresden Porcelain (Prussian Court)'.
Condition 8 but light images.
Order #4201.
Price $12.
'116. A Baccante. E. Barrana, Sculp. (Roman Court)'.
Condition 6.
Order #4204
Price $8.
'121. The Indian. Pietra Costa, Sculp.'.
Condition. Right corner of mount is soft and has a slight crease.
Order #4206.
Price $12.
'125. Porcelain and Majolica Vases, by Duke & Co.'.
Condition. Small retail stamp at top right, just touching image.
Order #4207.
Price $18.
'128. Prayer. Marble bust by Pietro Bernasconi'.
Condition 8.
Order #4208.
Price $15.
'130. View in the Nave (3)'.
Condition. Splits, creases and dents to left image. Only here until a better version comes along.
Order #4209.
Price $2.
'232. Cupid and Venus, by Gibson R.A.'.
Condition. Fading, stains and marks.
Order #4217.
Price $5.
'238. Defending the Pass, by G. Halse'.U.S. 3c Civil War revenue stamp on the back.
Condition. Stain to mount and damage to images.
Order #4219.
Price $5.
'259. View in the Nave. Spanish Court.'.
Condition. Prominent damage to left image. Only here until I find a better copy.
Order #4221.
Price $2.
'317. The Grapplers, by Jean Petter Molin (Swedish Court)'.
Condition. Very light images.
Order #4224.
Price $8.
Handwritten on the back 'The New Zealand Court. Exhibition 1862'.
Condition 7.
Order #4225.
Price $12.
Small white attached label '10. L. Engraved Glass, Venetian Pattern, London Exhibition 1862'. Possibly pirated.
Condition 7.
Order #4226.
Price $12.
Small white attached label 'L. Glassware (Austrian Court No 10), London Exhibition 1862'. Possibly pirated.
Condition 7.
Order #4227.
Price $12.
Dublin International Exhibition of 1865.
'24. Hush, Don't Wake My Baby'.
Condition. Slight ripple on right image.
Order #4228.
Price $15.
'27. Imperial Manufactories of Sevres Porcelain & Gobeling Tapestry'.
Condition. Milky images.
Order #4229.
Price $15.
'64. The Naughty Girl'.
Condition 7/8.
Order #4231.
Price $12.
International Exhibition of 1871
'1. Royal Albert Hall, South Side'.
Condition 8.
Order #4232.
Price $22.
'7. View in West Side Gallery'.
Condition 8.
Order #4234.
Price $18.
International Exhibition of 1872
'19. Girl at Well, by J.S. Westmacott.
Condition 8.
Order #4245.
Price $15.
'184. Infantile Amusement, marble figure by C. Ubolot, Italy'.
Condition 8.
Order #4247.
Price $15.
Just marked 'London Exhibition'. 'The English Picture Gallery'. Possibly pirated.
Condition 7.
Order #4248.
Price $10.